A notable feature of LISP-based retirement annuities is that they are transparent, flexible investments that, unlike insurance-based RAs, allow investors to completely customise their contributions.
Taxpayers are required to declare their worldwide foreign income sourced from a foreign employer while working in South Africa and/or abroad, and, to facilitate this, SARS has included three new fields for foreign earners.
In the absence of an estate plan, problems could arise in the deceased’s estate if there are insufficient liquid assets to honour the deceased’s bequests. In order to pay the bequests, the executor may need to realise assets in the
When the Repo rate was slashed during “lockdown”, many South Africans took advantage of this low-interest-rate environment to purchase property with what was seen to be cheap home loan financing. The worry moving forward is that the SARB have indicated
Having too many credit cards can also affect your credit score, and managing multiple credit facilities can be challenging, so ideally centralise your borrowing through a single credit card facility. Keeping track of the payment cycles of numerous credit cards
A very effective option for the administration of your spouse’s financial affairs is to set up a Special Trust Type A which is a trust created solely for the benefit of a person with mental or physical disability and which
If you own assets in a foreign civil law jurisdiction, it is important to understand whether you will be affected by mandatory succession rights in respect of your estate planning. Forced heirship can complicate inheritance especially where you have assets
Reactive devaluation is the tendency of an investor to bestow greater value on a proposal or recommendation that emanates from someone that he likes. Where the same proposal comes from someone he does not like, the investor will place less
RA investors have complete flexibility when it comes to investment premiums. Investors are able to stop and start premiums as they choose without any penalties or fees being charged. Premiums can be set up via monthly, quarterly or annual debit