While putting money away for your child’s education is important, do not neglect your retirement funding. Without adequate retirement funding in place, you could become a financial burden on your child later in life which...
The child’s guardian has the ability to claim funds from the Guardian’s Fund to cover
It is important to keep in mind that there is no such thing in our
In the past, severe illness cover terminated at age 65. However, most insurers now provide
Financial planning practices employ various fee models, making it essential to identify one that aligns
If you are declared insolvent, Section 37B of the Pension Funds Act provides that the
Don’t fall into the trap of assuming that the Consumer Protection Act affords you blanket
When calculating your taxable income, it is essential to consider various income sources, including rental
The necessity of having an offshore Will depends on several factors, including the type of
When purchasing a life annuity, the insurer assumes full responsibility for paying the annuitant’s income.
The 2023 10X Retirement Reality Report reveals that 71% of respondents are partially or strongly
You will not be taxed on your severe illness payout. All payments made to you