assisted living
While developing a strategy for your discretionary investments, keep in mind that your emergency funding forms a critical component of your portfolio. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to setting up an emergency fund, so be sure to take
Choosing the right medical scheme in South Africa can be challenging due to the wide range of options available. For network medical aid plans, an adult dependant might pay between R1,100 and R3,500 per month. Mid-range plans with good hospital
Depending on the nature of their retirement income, the death of the first spouse may impact their retirement income and it is important to understand what the surviving spouse would receive in terms of income going forward. It’s also important
Our law recognises that the mental capacity of the patient may differ from day to day depending on the diagnosis and that the administrator’s function should be proportionate to the patient’s mental health status, keeping in mind that the patient’s
Single retirees also present a special set of estate planning requirements which retired couples do not face, specifically when it comes to distributing their wealth after death. While most couples tend to bequeath their respective estates to each other, single
In the ‘Profile of older persons in SA’ prepared by Stats SA it was estimated that around 38% of South Africans over the age of 60 use chronic medication, around 20% use assistive devices such as spectacles, 10% wear hearing
Ideally, avoid using rules of thumb when determining your post-retirement income needs, and consider your actual situation. Firstly, make a list of those expenses that are likely to fall away when you retire, such as bond and car repayments, long-term
We all know that medical inflation outstrips consumer inflation by around 3% - 5% per year, and it is, therefore, essential that you build these increases into your post-retirement budget. However, there are a number of other factors that should
If your parents are fortunate enough to still have each other, it’s important to have conversations about what would happen in the event of one of them passing. Depending on the nature of their retirement income, the death of the
The estate planning mechanisms required to assist with the management of a dementia patent’s affairs also come at a price. Where someone has an early dementia diagnosis, setting up a Special Trust Type A to house the assets of the