buy and sell assurance

If you have a large portion of your accumulated wealth invested in your business, then it is important to consider what will happen to your business interests in the event of your death. It is likely that you intend for
In terms of the Estate Duty Act, the proceeds of all domestic policies paid to a deceased estate will be considered deemed property and therefore subject to estate duty. However, legislation provides several exceptions to this general rule, including the
Living annuities make excellent estate planning tools because the policyholder is free to nominate his beneficiaries with the surety that, upon his death, the proceeds will devolve on them. In the event of the policyholder’s death, the proceeds of the
If you own shares in a business together with other shareholders, it is advisable to put what is termed buy-and-sell cover in place on the lives of the shareholders – specifically where you have a large portion of your wealth