capital disability

Our ability to afford dread disease cover both now and into the future is paramount, so pay particular attention to your premium pattern and how you can expect your premiums to escalate over time. Importantly, ensure that your dread disease
A continuation option allows you to convert your group life cover into personal cover within 60 days of leaving your employment without having to undergo medical underwriting which means that you are likely to enjoy more favourable premiums.
If you are formally employed and enjoy group benefits, it is likely that your group cover includes an income protection benefit. The advantage of group life cover is that it makes long-term insurance cover accessible and available to those who
If an employee becomes permanently disabled, he/she will need to take ill-health retirement from the fund and leave the fund. In doing so, the proceeds of the disability benefit will be lumped together with the retirement benefits and may be
When financing a property using a home loan, it is common for the financing institution to insist that you take out bond cover as security for the loan. While most financing institutions offer bond cover to their customers, it is
Life insurance can play an important role in creating liquidity in your deceased estate and ensuring that the forced sale of assets after your death is avoided – keeping in mind that estate solvency is different from estate liquidity. While
One’s circumstances change over time – often much quicker than we tend to realise – so give thought to the unique set of risks you currently face should you suffer from a temporary or permanent disability. Do you have debt?
If you are left in a vegetative medical condition from which there is no hope of recovery, the onus will fall on your loved ones to make difficult decisions regarding your medical care – including whether to remove you from
When applying for life insurance, you will be required to provide information on your smoker status and insurers rely on you to provide accurate information in this regard. If you are a smoker, your premiums will be adjusted upwards to