capital gains tax

key function of a multi-manager is to research and analyse the various funds offered by the different asset managers, and then build a portfolio in line with a specific investment mandate. A multi-manager does not handle invested funds but rather
If you have been awarded capital as part of your divorce settlement, you’ll likely want to take steps to protect and grow this capital. If you’re awarded a portion of your spouse’s pension interest, you have the option to withdraw
In terms of calculating estate duty, there is an abatement on the first R3.5 million of the value of the estate which is not subject to tax. If the deceased is the first-dying spouse, they may roll over any unused
From an estate planning perspective, there are several mechanisms available to reduce estate duty liabilities and, in turn, maximise the inheritance for your loved ones.
Where you hold REITs in a retirement fund, you will not be liable for tax on distributions, and the ability to reinvest and compound these before-tax distributions within your retirement fund over a long period of time is a significant
As an investor, it is essential to understand the relationship between risk and reward. The higher the relative risk of an investment, the larger the possible returns may be. For instance, cash is considered a low risk investment while equities
To determine the dutiable value of your estate, keep in mind that certain assets, such as bequests to your surviving spouse, bequests to PBOs, and the proceeds of life policies payable to your spouse, and business assurance polices, are excluded.