
If you’ve received a donation or a gift from someone, note that there are no tax consequences for you as the donee. However, as SARS requires you to declare all taxable and non-taxable income, you will need to declare it
It is counterintuitive to give beyond what is realistically affordable, and building your charitable pursuits into your overall planning will allow you to give confidently and consistently into the future.
According to Beth Kobliner, author of the award-winning book ‘Get a Financial Life’, children as young as 3 years old can grasp basic financial concepts such as saving and spending. And a report by Cambridge University revealed that children’s money
Buying branded clothing and shoes does not guarantee a better quality product, and spending your hard-earned money to prove to others that you can afford to buy branded clothing is counter-intuitive. If you’re wearing branded clothing but haven’t started saving,
Don’t wait for January to start thinking about how to improve your financial fitness in 2020. We’ve compiled a list of our top 20 financial resolutions for you to consider and adopt to make next year a truly prosperous one.
Our children should know that successful people aren’t gifted. They work hard and then succeed on purpose. More than qualifications, there is no doubt that hard work, tenacity and resourcefulness are greater indicators of future success. Here are some things
Here are our top 10 tips to ensure that your budget doesn’t go on holiday this festive season!