child maintenance

While a cohabitation agreement is designed to set out the financial consequences should the relationship break-up, it should also deal with other eventualities such as the death of a partner, disability or illness, unemployment, job relocation, and inheritance, to name
Where a minor child inherits money, the Master may direct that these funds are transferred to the Guardian’s Fund, following which an account will be opened in the name of the beneficiary. If the beneficiary has not yet been identified,
Determining what you could realistically expect in terms of divorce settlement means understanding what assets your spouse has. In a particularly acrimonious divorce, a spouse could attempt to hide assets in a living trust or move assets offshore in the
Being legally married in South Africa creates what is referred to as a reciprocal duty of support which means that each spouse owes to the other a reciprocal duty to provide for the other which can include accommodation, clothing, food,
In the absence of a formal agreement between the two parties, the couple’s financial arrangements can be particularly complex in the event of death or a terminated relationship.