Avoid relying on your spouse to fund for your retirement. Investing towards a comfortable retirement requires careful planning, time, and a commitment to regular saving – and relying on one person to save sufficiently for two people’s retirement can be
During the divorce process, remember that both you and your spouse retain full contractual freedom when determining a settlement. You can choose to strictly adhere to your matrimonial property regime for asset division or opt for a negotiated settlement tailored
Where bonded fixed property is bequeathed to your children, they may be required to register a bond over the property in their own name and, if they do not qualify for a bond, they may be forced to sell the
When it comes to divorce, the process in a community of property marriage is relatively simple as it involves the joint estate being equally divided between the two spouses. The only exception to this is where one spouse brings an
Do everything you can to encourage their entrepreneurial ambitions by allowing them to share their ideas without fear of ridicule. Avoid responses such as ‘you’ll never make money doing that’, ‘you can’t make a career out of that’, or ‘that’s
Burying your head in the sand and hoping for the best is not a retirement funding strategy. If you’ve never had a retirement plan prepared and you don’t know whether you are putting away enough for retirement, this will undoubtedly
Present bias may convince us to pay more for a product in return for same-day delivery, for instance, or choosing a motor plan with a large balloon payment because the monthly instalments are lower.