A single-income family faces heightened risk in the event of job loss or retrenchment, making it crucial to implement risk mitigation strategies. One option is to consider retrenchment cover for your spouse, though this type of insurance tends to be
The costs of uncoupling and running two separate households cannot be under-estimated. Given that a divorce generally involves doubling up on one of the family’s largest monthly expenses (being the rent or bond payments), it goes without saying that a
Many women find themselves trapped in unhappy and/or abusive relationships because they do not have the financial means to escape. As such, it is absolutely essential that every woman in a long-term relationship or marriage becomes actively involved in the
Avoid relying on your spouse to fund for your retirement. Investing towards a comfortable retirement requires careful planning, time, and a commitment to regular saving – and relying on one person to save sufficiently for two people’s retirement can be
During the divorce process, remember that both you and your spouse retain full contractual freedom when determining a settlement. You can choose to strictly adhere to your matrimonial property regime for asset division or opt for a negotiated settlement tailored
The accrual is effectively the net increase in the value of each spouse’s estate since the commencement of the marriage, meaning that the spouses share equally in the increase in value of both of their estates while the marriage existed.
As trite as this may sound, not knowing where your money is going each month can be a huge source of anxiety. Too many bank accounts, retail accounts, debit orders and budgetary expense items can leave you feeling out of
The couple’s retirement horizon effectively spans from the day the older spouse retires to the day the younger spouse dies, and this can make retirement scenario planning and modelling somewhat challenging.
One of the most important factors when claiming a share of the member spouse’s pension interest is to ensure that the wording of the divorce order meets all the legal requirements to ensure that the fund administrator can action the