Divorce Act

Your parenting plan sets out the details relating to care, contact and financial contributions towards the children, when and with whom the children will live, and where they will be schooled, amongst other things. The financial implications in terms of
In a marriage that excludes the accrual system, a spouse who chooses to stay at home to raise children is at an economic disadvantage because she does not have the same opportunity to create wealth as her income-generation spouse does.
Regulated by the Divorce Act, Pension Funds Act and Income Tax Act, the purpose of the pension interest calculation is to allow divorcing spouses, where applicable, to share in each other’s retirement benefits at the date of divorce without having
If you intend to keep the marital home after your divorce, make sure that it makes financial sense for you to do so. Sentimental attachment to the marital home can blind you from making decisions that are in your financial
An uncontested divorce requires that the couple works together to agree to the terms of the divorce in respect of how their assets will be divided, how their children will be cared for, and what maintenance will be paid, if
An incorrectly drafted clause in the divorce order can result in the fund rejecting the settlement agreement and refusing to pay out the pension interest – which in turn would require the non-member spouse to bring a costly court application