dread disease cover
You will not be taxed on your severe illness payout. All payments made to you from your policy will be tax-free.
With a properly structured business assurance agreement, the proceeds from such a policy are exempt from estate duty in your estate. Unlike other assets, business assurance policy proceeds are not considered part of the deceased estate's deemed property, offering a
Further, it is important to bear in mind that, while a member’s beneficiary nominations are taken into account by the trustees of the fund, it is the trustees who make the ultimate decision regarding distribution of the death benefits.
Taxpayers are afforded several ways to reduce their tax liabilities, and it is advisable to employ these mechanisms to your benefit. Leaving ‘free money’ on the table doesn’t make financial sense so be sure that tax planning forms part of
For most people, their ability to build wealth is largely dependent on generating an income. If illness or injury renders you unable to work or perform your occupation, you may find yourself in a position where you are unable to
Generally speaking, group life cover provides more favourable underwriting outcomes at more cost-effective premiums, so the starting point when developing a risk strategy is to maximise the group life cover available to you.
When applying for life insurance, you will be required to provide information on your smoker status and insurers rely on you to provide accurate information in this regard. If you are a smoker, your premiums will be adjusted upwards to
If you own shares in a business together with other shareholders, it is advisable to put what is termed buy-and-sell cover in place on the lives of the shareholders – specifically where you have a large portion of your wealth
Through an advance healthcare directive, you can provide your medical proxy with comfort that the decisions they are making are in line with your wishes. For instance, you can include guidelines on when to allow artificial life support, organ and
As a lump sum payout, dread disease cover is designed to provide financial relief soon after diagnosis of a severe illness. Once the claim has been paid, you are free to use the money as you see fit.