Cottage schools and smaller home-schooling centres have become more popular over the years, being particularly attractive to those learners who aren’t well-suited to mainstream-type education. These schools generally offer smaller, more intimate campuses with small tuition classes and more personalised
Regardless of how you choose to manage your money and bank accounts, it is always advisable that each partner has a bank account in their own name. When it comes to applying for credit or financing, you will need to
While young and in the process of building wealth, it is essential to protect one’s greatest asset – your income. Your income allows you to service your debt, maintain your standard of living and fund for your retirement years.
Being a single parent comes with a unique set of challenges that are sometimes difficult for those who are co-parenting to fully understand.
According to Beth Kobliner, author of the award-winning book ‘Get a Financial Life’, children as young as 3 years old can grasp basic financial concepts such as saving and spending. And a report by Cambridge University revealed that children’s money
Buying branded clothing and shoes does not guarantee a better quality product, and spending your hard-earned money to prove to others that you can afford to buy branded clothing is counter-intuitive. If you’re wearing branded clothing but haven’t started saving,
Many people shy away from investing because they believe it is akin to gambling and the risks are too high. There is a common misconception that, because investment markets are volatile by nature, investing in equities represents a higher risk
If employed appropriately in one’s portfolio, maximum benefit from Tax-Free Savings Accounts can be achieved over the longer-term.
When it comes to renting property, for instance, single mothers are considered high risk by landlords because of the high chance of father’s defaulting on their maintenance obligations. Time spent in court fighting for maintenance payments or maintenance increases impacts
Avoid the temptation of buying every possible gadget for your baby until you know exactly what it is you need. Chat with other new parents and do your research online before you spend your hard-earned money on baby scheduling timers,