emotional bias
Present bias may convince us to pay more for a product in return for same-day delivery, for instance, or choosing a motor plan with a large balloon payment because the monthly instalments are lower.
Despite what many investors believe, there is no correlation between investment fees and returns, so don’t fall into the trap of thinking that by paying more, you’re guaranteed higher rates of return.
Hindsight bias makes past events appear more predictable than they were at the time, which can lead investors to believe that the future events are more predictable than they actually are, thereby leading them into the cover-confidence trap. Hindsight is
It’s been a rough year for everyone and it’s easy to convince yourself that you need spoiling. The reality, however, is that most South Africans are Covid-fatigued but now is not the time to make rash, emotional purchases in an
Investing is a journey, but the course of your journey can be easily derailed if you succumb to your emotional biases. Investing can be an emotional activity, and their influence can lead investors to make irrational and inappropriate investment decisions.
Investment markets are by nature volatile and accepting short-term fluctuations is an investment fundamental. Markets move in cycles through peaks and troughs and, as an investor, you need to be emotionally prepared to confront this reality without becoming fearful.