gap cover

In the past, severe illness cover terminated at age 65. However, most insurers now provide you with the option to select whole-of-life cover which means that your benefit continues for as long as you are alive and paying your premiums
The 2023 10X Retirement Reality Report reveals that 71% of respondents are partially or strongly of the view that they will need to continue earning a living after their formal retirement date.
Retirement planning is a comprehensive process that addresses the financial, logistical, emotional, social, and psychological aspects of your retirement. Start planning at least five years before your intended retirement date to work with your financial planner on strategies to ease
A Letter of Wishes complements your Will and should be seen as a guide rather than a set of binding instructions. This document provides additional information on personal matters to be considered after your death, such as your preferences for
Your financial planner will be able to prepare an estate plan for you so that you have a full understanding of the costs to your estate in the event of your passing. In doing so, they will take into account
Building wealth is a gradual process that requires time, strategic use of compound interest, and consistency. Effective investment planning, a highly technical and regulated area of financial planning, involves several interrelated components such as estate structuring, tax planning, risk management,
According to the South African Journal of Psychiatry, the prevalence of dementia is approximately 5% to 7% of the elderly population, starting at around 1% for those aged 60. Thereafter, the prevalence doubles every 5.1 years, rising to between 30%
A Type A special trust is an excellent estate planning tool which is designed to take care of people who are not able to manage their own finances, such as a special needs child. A Type A special trust is
The costs of uncoupling and running two separate households cannot be under-estimated. Given that a divorce generally involves doubling up on one of the family’s largest monthly expenses (being the rent or bond payments), it goes without saying that a