global diversification
Although the offshore limit has been increased to 45%, the reality is that 55% of your retirement fund capital must be invested in South African assets which, given the rate at which the number of listed companies on the JSE
Through indirect offshore investing, you effectively invest in a local unit trust portfolio that has a mandate to invest in foreign assets – a relatively simple, convenient, and cost-effective process. As an investor, you will invest your Rands with a
On the downside, investing in a Regulation 28 compliant fund means that 70% of your assets must be invested in South African assets which, given the rate at which the number of listed companies on the JSE has shrunk over
Direct offshore investing can be an excellent strategy for those intending to emigrate to the foreign country they are invested in, or if they have children who intend studying in that country. Bear in mind that if you don’t intend