The economic value of a stay-at-home mom is typically undervalued. It is estimated that the average stay-at-home mom works around 97 hours per week performing multiple roles which include child-minder, au pair, nurse, teacher, psychologist, driver, cleaner, housekeeper, chef and
When it comes to money, controlling your emotions is more than just resisting the need for instant gratification. Making good economic decisions is highly dependent on us being able to control our emotions, including the psychological and cognitive biases that
While a budget should be bullet proof it should not be cast in stone. As your personal circumstances change, so too should you budget. Poor market returns, unrealistic goals or expectations or changing jobs may necessitate that you adjust your
If you don’t have a natural inclination towards saving, start out small and set mini-goals that are both realistic and achievable. Rather than thinking ten years ahead or trying to save for something big, set smaller, shorter-term goals that you