
key function of a multi-manager is to research and analyse the various funds offered by the different asset managers, and then build a portfolio in line with a specific investment mandate. A multi-manager does not handle invested funds but rather
Where you hold REITs in a retirement fund, you will not be liable for tax on distributions, and the ability to reinvest and compound these before-tax distributions within your retirement fund over a long period of time is a significant
When purchasing using your ‘straight’ facility, these purchases will be included when calculating the repayment owing at the end of the grace period. When purchasing on your ‘budget’ facility, you can select a period over which to repay the loan,
Having too many credit cards can also affect your credit score, and managing multiple credit facilities can be challenging, so ideally centralise your borrowing through a single credit card facility. Keeping track of the payment cycles of numerous credit cards
Choosing a school for your child has multiple, long-term cost implications for you as a parent. School fees aside, there are a number of other costs and considerations that should be taken into account – bearing in mind that your
If you have minor children, not making provision for a testamentary trust can lead to problems and unintended consequences after your death.
Buying branded clothing and shoes does not guarantee a better quality product, and spending your hard-earned money to prove to others that you can afford to buy branded clothing is counter-intuitive. If you’re wearing branded clothing but haven’t started saving,