investment horizon
key function of a multi-manager is to research and analyse the various funds offered by the different asset managers, and then build a portfolio in line with a specific investment mandate. A multi-manager does not handle invested funds but rather
Research is clear: most investors who try to time the markets underperform against those who stick to their long-term investment strategy.
Being notoriously poor market timers, many investors compromise their investment outcomes because they are not invested when markets start to rebound, only getting back into the markets once the bulk of the gains have been made. From our experience, investors
Despite what many investors believe, there is no correlation between investment fees and returns, so don’t fall into the trap of thinking that by paying more, you’re guaranteed higher rates of return.
Humans are emotional beings which is generally a good thing – except in the context of investing. Market volatility can wreak havoc with our emotions and lead us to make irrational decisions based on greed and fear rather than on
Cashflow and liquidity are also important considerations when setting up an RA, keeping in mind that the funds housed in a retirement annuity may not be accessed before you reach age 55 – subject to a few exceptions. There is,
According to an ancient Chinese proverb, ‘The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago; the second-best time is now’.
Many people shy away from investing because they believe it is akin to gambling and the risks are too high. There is a common misconception that, because investment markets are volatile by nature, investing in equities represents a higher risk