investment scams
The most obvious sign of any fraudulent investment scheme is the promise of abnormally high investment returns. While Ponzi schemes may take a variety of forms, they all follow the same intrinsic theme: investors are promised they will make a
If you know your workplace value, be sure to negotiate a market-related salary. Remember, many of your employment benefits – including your pension fund contribution, group life cover, income protection benefits and bonuses – are linked to your income, so
Making financial decisions when stressed, worried and fearful for the future can result in poor decision-making. Remind yourself that this crisis is temporary and, if necessary, find yourself a financial advisor who will partner with you and guide you through
If you have to keep on working for financial reasons, bear in mind that your health is quite literally your wealth. Besides for the medical costs that come hand-in-hand with an injury or illness, time off work and the resultant