If there are specific assets in your estate that you intend bequeathing to your minor children, it is important that you provide for this carefully in your Will. Remember, in terms of our law, children under the age of 18
Trustees play a vital role in managing and administering the assets bequeathed to your testamentary trust for the benefit of your minor children. As such, it is essential that your trustees have the appropriate financial acumen and understanding of the
If you have a Will, it is likely that the Latin term per stirpes appears in your Will. Per stirpes is a legal stipulation which requires that if one of your beneficiaries dies before you, her share of the inheritance
In order for your Will to be valid and to avoid contestation, ensure that you sign your Will in the presence of your witnesses and that you, in turn, watch them witness your signature. The validity of your Will can
A revocation clause is a paragraph inserted in your Will which revokes all other Wills that you have ever drafted and declares the current Will to be your Last Will and Testament. Although a testator is not legally required to
If you own assets in a foreign civil law jurisdiction, it is important to understand whether you will be affected by mandatory succession rights in respect of your estate planning. Forced heirship can complicate inheritance especially where you have assets
There are a number of circumstances that can disqualify a potential heir. Firstly, any person who writes a Will, or any part thereof, on behalf of the testator can be disqualified from inheriting, as is the writer’s spouse. Similarly, the
A testator can make a special bequest in his Will if he wants to leave a particular asset to a beneficiary (legatee), bearing in mind that the beneficiary does not need to be related to him. After your executor has
Traditional disability assurance is based on whether or not you are physically able to work. Occupational Disability assurance is generally divided into (a) own occupation, (b) own or similar occupation or (c) any occupation. These definitions will determine whether you
If your fixed property is bonded and you have the appropriate level of bond cover in place, your executor will settle the bond using the proceeds of the life cover and bond cancellation instructions will be issued, thereby allowing your