life annuity
Appropriately timing the sale of your primary residence is imperative, not least of all because the decision can be a hugely emotional one which can become more overwhelming with age. Further, if your retirement plan is dependent on some or
Generally speaking, you may not make additional contributions to your preservation fund except if the money originates from another retirement fund. Also, if you have been awarded a share of your ex-spouse’s pension interest in terms of Section 7(8) of
The transition from full-time work or employment to full-time retirement is a notoriously difficult one, with boredom, lack of fulfillment, and depression being common amongst retirees. Be realistic about what a ‘day in the life’ of your retirement will look
A life annuity, which is an insurance-based product designed to provide a guaranteed monthly income until the death of the annuitant, is in effect a life policy and, as such, comes to an end on the death of the policyholder.
If you are dependent on generating some form of income in your retirement years, it is wise to consider your prospects of re-entering the workforce if your ideas for earning income don’t come to fruition. If there’s even a remote
Retiring from your retirement funds marks the transition from saving towards retirement to drawing from your capital and pitching your draw down rate at the right level at the outset is critical. The 4% rule, which has its critics, assumes
With financially dependent adult children, this life stage is critical when it comes to fine-tuning your retirement plan, settling debt, and structuring your assets. Having increased your net worth, reduced your home loan debt, and with fewer financial dependants, it
A retirement at age 55 means that you still have a potentially long-term investment horizon and, as such, you will need to ensure that you are invested appropriately for this time period. You will need to ensure that your investment
Unlike retirement funds whose distributions are subject to Section 37C of the Pension Funds Act, member owned living annuities are free to nominate beneficiaries to their investment. In this regard, living annuities differ from guaranteed life annuities which, generally speaking,
The emotional impact of adult children emigrating from South Africa was brought starkly into the spotlight during last year’s hard lockdown where the plight of many isolated and lonely old people confined to retirement homes was noted. Many older people