life insurance
Without access to private healthcare, you’ll likely have to rely on State facilities for your care and treatment – and while there are some excellent government facilities out there, the reality is that they’re overburdened and understaffed, and accessing treatment
When retiring from a retirement fund, investors are required to use at least two-thirds of the fund proceeds to purchase an annuity. There are many factors that need to be taken into account when choosing the most appropriate annuity for
Your future self will thank you for beginning your investment journey early in your career even if your retirement plans are unclear. The most tax-efficient way to achieve this is by investing towards an approved retirement fund and claiming the
If you have a large portion of your accumulated wealth invested in your business, then it is important to consider what will happen to your business interests in the event of your death. It is likely that you intend for
A power of attorney is a formal document by which a person (the principal) authorises another (the agent) to conclude juristic acts on his behalf. By signing a power of attorney, the principal indicates to third parties that he will
Taxpayers are afforded several ways to reduce their tax liabilities, and it is advisable to employ these mechanisms to your benefit. Leaving ‘free money’ on the table doesn’t make financial sense so be sure that tax planning forms part of
Life insurance can play an important role in creating liquidity in your deceased estate and ensuring that the forced sale of assets after your death is avoided – keeping in mind that estate solvency is different from estate liquidity. While
Income protection is a form of long-term insurance which is designed to replace your income if an illness or disability renders you unable to earn your income either temporarily or permanently. While many consider this type of cover to be
Ideally, avoid using rules of thumb when determining your post-retirement income needs, and consider your actual situation. Firstly, make a list of those expenses that are likely to fall away when you retire, such as bond and car repayments, long-term
While contributions to TFSAs are not tax-deductible, the real benefits lie in the fact that all growth and income received on your investment are free from tax, meaning that you will not be liable for CGT, dividends withholding tax or