life policy
In the past, severe illness cover terminated at age 65. However, most insurers now provide you with the option to select whole-of-life cover which means that your benefit continues for as long as you are alive and paying your premiums
A single-income family faces heightened risk in the event of job loss or retrenchment, making it crucial to implement risk mitigation strategies. One option is to consider retrenchment cover for your spouse, though this type of insurance tends to be
The costs of uncoupling and running two separate households cannot be under-estimated. Given that a divorce generally involves doubling up on one of the family’s largest monthly expenses (being the rent or bond payments), it goes without saying that a
While the proceeds of domestic life insurance policies are deemed property in a deceased estate, buy and sell cover is a notable exception. This insurance is taken out by business owners on each other’s lives so that, if one shareholder
Where bonded fixed property is bequeathed to your children, they may be required to register a bond over the property in their own name and, if they do not qualify for a bond, they may be forced to sell the
While corporeal property refers to physical, tangible property such as a vehicle or a home, incorporeal property includes non-tangible rights such as servitudes and leaves over immoveable property.
Running a single-income household, single mothers know and understand the importance of careful budgeting. With only one person generating an income and managing outflows, budgeting for a single mother is easier to centralise and manage.
If you own shares in a business or are the owner of key person cover, note that the proceeds of business assurance policies are exempt from estate dutiable provided that the policy is correctly structured.
If an employee becomes permanently disabled, he/she will need to take ill-health retirement from the fund and leave the fund. In doing so, the proceeds of the disability benefit will be lumped together with the retirement benefits and may be
Once you make contact with the executor, be prepared for a preliminary meeting with her as she will be required to prepare a rudimentary list of your spouse’s assets and liabilities for submission to the Master, which must be accompanied