living trust
Living trusts can be used effectively to house growth assets outside of one’s personal estate to reduce tax and estate duty liabilities, a process that is often referred to as estate pegging. For instance, if an estate planner wants to
Key to the validity of a trust is that the trust founder relinquishes full control of the assets transferred to the trust. It must be clear that the trust founder hands over control of the assets to his nominated trustees
an alter-ego trust is valid in that it is the trust founder’s clear intention to form a trust, and all the requirements for the formation of a valid trust have been met. As such, in determining whether an alter-ego trust
The real benefit of a living trust is that because trusts don’t die, assets housed in a trust can move from generation to generation without being subject to estate administration and the associated costs thereof.
When contemplating a trust structure, do not lose sight of the fact that running a trust adds a layer of complexity and costs to your financial affairs. When setting up a family trust, keep in mind that you will be
The type of trust you intend to register will hinge on the estate planning objectives that you hope your trust will achieve. For instance, a family trust can be used to house and protect property or assets intended for future
While trustees are able to outsource the accounting functions of the trust, keep in mind that they remain responsible for the management of the trust assets. This includes keeping separate records of the trust assets, preparing annual financial statements, investing
If you intend to gift a larger amount of money to your child, it may be more effective to structure the inheritance as a loan whereby the loan account appears as an asset in your estate, thereby avoiding donations tax.
In the event of your death, the funds held in your retirement annuity do not form part of your deceased estate and are not included when calculating your estate duty liability or executor’s fees – meaning that your RA effectively
Before setting up the trust, you will need to consider whether it should take the form of a testamentary or living trust. A living, or inter vivos, trust is set up during your lifetime using a trust deed as the