marital regime

The costs of uncoupling and running two separate households cannot be under-estimated. Given that a divorce generally involves doubling up on one of the family’s largest monthly expenses (being the rent or bond payments), it goes without saying that a
The general principle of the accrual system is that each spouse is entitled to take out the asset value that he/she brought into the marriage, and whatever is built together during the subsistence of the marriage is shared equally. So,
Depending on the terms of the divorce order, you may need to move off your ex-spouse’s medical aid and register as the principal member of your own medical aid. This may be a good time to completely reassess your healthcare
A marriage with the accrual system is widely regarded as the most equitable marital regime for a number of good reasons. Set up in terms of an ante-nuptial contract – which is a contract intended to set out the financial
As a mother to young children, these years may find you time-poor and cash-strapped as you juggle career and motherhood while at the same time paying off your home loan and vehicles. Convenience spending is likely to increase during this
If you intend bequeathing immoveable property, be careful in your estate planning to ensure that no complications or unintended consequences arise. For instance, if you are married in community of property, any immoveable property will be jointly owned by you
When making an application to the courts, you and your spouse will need to set out sufficient reason for making the change. Further, you will need to satisfy the court that neither of you is insolvent nor has any judgement
Where married with the accrual system, each spouse is free to set up trusts, whether inter vivos or testamentary, in accordance with their needs and objectives. This means that a spouse is free to transfer assets owned by him into