marriage and money

It is important to keep in mind that there is no such thing in our law as a ‘common law spouse’, and no legal status is conferred on couples who choose to live together without getting married.
As a married couple, you will want to ensure that you are both adequately provided for in the event of death or disability, so take time beforehand to put the appropriate level of cover in place. If you or your
Many women find themselves trapped in unhappy and/or abusive relationships because they do not have the financial means to escape. As such, it is absolutely essential that every woman in a long-term relationship or marriage becomes actively involved in the
During the divorce process, remember that both you and your spouse retain full contractual freedom when determining a settlement. You can choose to strictly adhere to your matrimonial property regime for asset division or opt for a negotiated settlement tailored
To ensure that your creditors are notified of your intention to amend your marriage contract, you will be required to publish a notice to creditors in two local newspapers (one English and one Afrikaans) as well as in a government
In a community of property marriage, all debt incurred by the spouses before and during the marriage forms part of the common estate, including maintenance obligations to a previous spouse or children from a previous relationship.