matrimonial property regime

The costs of uncoupling and running two separate households cannot be under-estimated. Given that a divorce generally involves doubling up on one of the family’s largest monthly expenses (being the rent or bond payments), it goes without saying that a
During the divorce process, remember that both you and your spouse retain full contractual freedom when determining a settlement. You can choose to strictly adhere to your matrimonial property regime for asset division or opt for a negotiated settlement tailored
Any assets held in trust – whether inter vivos or mortis causa – do not fall into the estate of the deceased and do not attract estate duty. As such, trusts can make excellent estate planning tools, especially to house
Depending on the terms of the divorce order, you may need to move off your ex-spouse’s medical aid and register as the principal member of your own medical aid. This may be a good time to completely reassess your healthcare
A civil marriage in terms of the Marriage Act of 1961 can only be entered into between a man and a woman and is the most common form of marriage in South Africa. When entering into a civil marriage, in
If the primary residence is owned by the first-dying spouse, the surviving spouse may find herself without accommodation if the deceased bequeaths the property to a third party. Joint financial planning is very difficult where a couple is married without
A marriage with the accrual system is widely regarded as the most equitable marital regime for a number of good reasons. Set up in terms of an ante-nuptial contract – which is a contract intended to set out the financial
Your parenting plan sets out the details relating to care, contact and financial contributions towards the children, when and with whom the children will live, and where they will be schooled, amongst other things. The financial implications in terms of