mental disability
A curator bonis has limited powers of investment which can adversely affect the growth of assets in the estate. The nature of the job together with generally poor remuneration means it is difficult to find appropriate candidates to assume the
Generally speaking, it is the spouse or close family member of the patient who brings the application but, in circumstances where the applicant is not the next of kin, the application will need to include reasons as to why that
In terms of the Mental Health Care Act, a ‘mental illness’ is defined as a positive diagnosis of a mental health related illness in terms of accepted diagnostic criteria made by a mental health care practitioner authorised to make such
Depending on your circumstances, you may consider setting up a Special Trust Type A while you are still alive with your special needs child as the beneficiary to the trust. This type of trust is particularly effective when it comes
It is important to note that the beneficiary’s disability must be formally diagnosed by a medical practitioner, must have lasted for a period of more than 12 months, and must be considered irreversible in nature.