When the Repo rate was slashed during “lockdown”, many South Africans took advantage of this low-interest-rate environment to purchase property with what was seen to be cheap home loan financing. The worry moving forward is that the SARB have indicated
Anchoring bias in the context of investment often happens when investors place too much importance on the initial information they received, creating a psychological benchmark or reference on which all future decisions are made. Anchoring happens to us all the
Don’t fall into the trap of assuming that the Consumer Protection Act affords you blanket protection when it comes to buying property. In reality, this piece of legislation only comes into play if the seller regularly sells property or markets
Before putting in your offer to purchase, be sure to find out what you can expect to pay in terms of rates, taxes and other municipal services. Property rates and taxes are calculated with reference to the municipal valuation of
If you’re planning to do renovations to your new home, you may need to budget for the services of a draughtsman or architect if your renovations require plans to be drawn up. Other costs to factor in include security upgrades
Once you’ve identified an area that you feel suits your needs, make a concerted effort to do as much research as possible. Firstly, check what other properties have recently been sold in that area and at what price. This will
Being legally married in South Africa creates what is referred to as a reciprocal duty of support which means that each spouse owes to the other a reciprocal duty to provide for the other which can include accommodation, clothing, food,
With there being over 1 000 unit trust funds for South African investors to choose from, multi-managers play an important role in researching and analysing all the funds offered by various assets managers and building portfolios from these to achieve
With many South Africans being scattered around the globe, discuss the reality that you may need to incur costs visiting family members who live abroad, how this should be budgeted for, and what is considered reasonable travel expenses.