
The 2023 10X Retirement Reality Report reveals that 71% of respondents are partially or strongly of the view that they will need to continue earning a living after their formal retirement date.
In many situations, adult children find out about their parent’s funding shortfall at a time when they are financing their own children’s tertiary education – notwithstanding their need to fund for their own retirement – placing them in an unenviable
Trying to guess how long you will live is a dangerous game to play when developing your retirement plan, and our advice is to develop a range of retirement scenarios using varying longevity assumptions so that you have a clear
As a function of ageing, death becomes more pervasive as retirees get older. Experiencing friends and acquaintances falling ill and dying is depressing, morbid and sad – and this can lead to what is referred to as death anxiety. The
The emotional impact of adult children emigrating from South Africa was brought starkly into the spotlight during last year’s hard lockdown where the plight of many isolated and lonely old people confined to retirement homes was noted. Many older people
As opposed to an investment in property, life rights ownership is an investment in lifestyle, security and peace-of mind, but it is important to understand the legal and financial consequences of buying into such a scheme.
Because women generally live longer than men, there is a very real chance that women will find themselves living alone for a period in their retirement, and this needs to be accounted for in one’s retirement plan.