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The 2023 10X Retirement Reality Report reveals that 71% of respondents are partially or strongly of the view that they will need to continue earning a living after their formal retirement date.
Retirement planning is a comprehensive process that addresses the financial, logistical, emotional, social, and psychological aspects of your retirement. Start planning at least five years before your intended retirement date to work with your financial planner on strategies to ease
While developing a strategy for your discretionary investments, keep in mind that your emergency funding forms a critical component of your portfolio. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to setting up an emergency fund, so be sure to take
Home nursing is unaffordable to most families and can cost anywhere between R8 000 and R30 000 per month depending on the level of care required – bearing in mind that dementia care is a specialist field of nursing which,
Your proximity to children, grandchildren and family, bearing in mind that if you do not intend to live close to your loved ones you will need to build travel costs into your post-retirement budget.
In many situations, adult children find out about their parent’s funding shortfall at a time when they are financing their own children’s tertiary education – notwithstanding their need to fund for their own retirement – placing them in an unenviable
It’s easier to remain motivated and positive if you’re working towards a clear set of goals, so take time to get specific about your retirement goals. Avoid framing your retirement objectives in broad strokes such as ‘to live comfortably’, ‘to
Single retirees also present a special set of estate planning requirements which retired couples do not face, specifically when it comes to distributing their wealth after death. While most couples tend to bequeath their respective estates to each other, single
Understanding the potential expenses you may be faced with at various stages during your retirement is key to developing realistic scenarios. For example, one could reasonably expect to spend more on travel during the first decade of your retirement with