retirement planning
Financial planning practices employ various fee models, making it essential to identify one that aligns with your needs. Some advisors charge a flat monthly fee, while others base their fees on a percentage of assets under management (AUM), and some
If you are declared insolvent, Section 37B of the Pension Funds Act provides that the funds in your retirement annuity are protected from your creditors, although this does not mean that your RA funds enjoy complete protection from creditors.
When calculating your taxable income, it is essential to consider various income sources, including rental income, dividends from real estate investment trusts (REITs), and investment income.
When purchasing a life annuity, the insurer assumes full responsibility for paying the annuitant’s income. The annuitant has no control or visibility over how the capital is invested or what returns the insurer earns.
The 2023 10X Retirement Reality Report reveals that 71% of respondents are partially or strongly of the view that they will need to continue earning a living after their formal retirement date.
When leaving employment, many are tempted to cash in their pension or provident fund benefits. However, any withdrawals made from your long-term investments interrupt the process of compounding and effectively re-sets your wealth creation.
The financial and emotional complexities of modern-day blended and extended families can be exacerbated by ineffective estate planning and lack of communication. In many instances, the legacy that loved ones are expecting and what is actually bequeathed in terms of
Retirement planning is a comprehensive process that addresses the financial, logistical, emotional, social, and psychological aspects of your retirement. Start planning at least five years before your intended retirement date to work with your financial planner on strategies to ease
While developing a strategy for your discretionary investments, keep in mind that your emergency funding forms a critical component of your portfolio. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to setting up an emergency fund, so be sure to take
According to the South African Journal of Psychiatry, the prevalence of dementia is approximately 5% to 7% of the elderly population, starting at around 1% for those aged 60. Thereafter, the prevalence doubles every 5.1 years, rising to between 30%