
There are an enormous number of life rights schemes available to South Africans, and we are spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing a retirement village that meets our specific requirements and budget. Life right developments cater for all
It is estimated that in the last five years of life, total healthcare spend for dementia patients is almost 60% greater than the costs associated with death from other diseases, including cancer and heart disease – although keep in mind
When retiring from a retirement fund, investors are required to use at least two-thirds of the fund proceeds to purchase an annuity. There are many factors that need to be taken into account when choosing the most appropriate annuity for
Legislation permits that the owner of a living annuity can draw down between 2.5% and 17.5% of the value of his living annuity every year, with the option to review the draw down rate at the living annuity’s anniversary. Investors
Note that if your employer contributes to your retirement fund, their final contribution only needs to be paid by the seventh day of the following month in which you retire. Once the contribution reflects, which could take a couple of
Once you have converted your retirement funds into a life annuity, living annuity or a combination of the two, keep in mind that you will not be able to make lump sum withdrawals and it is, therefore, important to plan
Upon the death of the member, the RA fund trustees are required to undertake an investigation to identify the dependants and nominees of the deceased, decide on an equitable distribution amongst those identified, and determine how the payment should be
It’s easier to remain motivated and positive if you’re working towards a clear set of goals, so take time to get specific about your retirement goals. Avoid framing your retirement objectives in broad strokes such as ‘to live comfortably’, ‘to
All couples should plan for the reality that one partner will outlive the other and contemplating what life will look like alone is an important discussion for couples to have. Developing a joint estate plan is an essential part of