Debt is a mantel that can burden you daily. Being overly-indebted can be a dark place to be and a difficult place from which to escape. While you’re servicing expensive debt, such as credit card and retail debt, it is
Taxpayers are afforded several ways to reduce their tax liabilities, and it is advisable to employ these mechanisms to your benefit. Leaving ‘free money’ on the table doesn’t make financial sense so be sure that tax planning forms part of
In a money market account, you will always know how much interest your funds will earn each month as these rates are available upfront. As a result, you will always know the value of the funds in your account on
The non-payment of maintenance forces many single mothers to incur ongoing legal costs and enter a cycle of debt – exacerbated by having to take time off work to attend maintenance court which in turn causes further loss of income
Operating on a single income, give careful thought as to whether you will be able to afford domestic help after the baby arrives. If not, are you comfortable to do the cleaning, laundry and general housework? Will you be able
You’ll be hard-pressed to find any South African who has not been financially impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Now is the time to take realistic stock of your festive season budget bearing in mind that any festive season spending over
It’s been a rough year for everyone and it’s easy to convince yourself that you need spoiling. The reality, however, is that most South Africans are Covid-fatigued but now is not the time to make rash, emotional purchases in an
There is a big difference between brokers who are financially incentivised to sell insurance policies, on the one hand, and financial advisors who charge a professional fee.
While a budget should be bullet proof it should not be cast in stone. As your personal circumstances change, so too should you budget. Poor market returns, unrealistic goals or expectations or changing jobs may necessitate that you adjust your