single mother

Without access to private healthcare, you’ll likely have to rely on State facilities for your care and treatment – and while there are some excellent government facilities out there, the reality is that they’re overburdened and understaffed, and accessing treatment
The non-payment of maintenance forces many single mothers to incur ongoing legal costs and enter a cycle of debt – exacerbated by having to take time off work to attend maintenance court which in turn causes further loss of income
To ensure that any funds or assets intended for your minor children are not transferred to the Guardian’s Fund for administration, you can use your Will to set up a testamentary trust. This type of trust is automatically founded on
While your natural instinct may be to put your own retirement funding on hold so as to prioritise your child’s education funding, be careful of taking this approach. Remember, while it may be possible to borrow for your child’s tertiary
When it comes to renting property, for instance, single mothers are considered high risk by landlords because of the high chance of father’s defaulting on their maintenance obligations. Time spent in court fighting for maintenance payments or maintenance increases impacts