stay-at-home parent
A single-income family faces heightened risk in the event of job loss or retrenchment, making it crucial to implement risk mitigation strategies. One option is to consider retrenchment cover for your spouse, though this type of insurance tends to be
It’s vital that you and your spouse set out clear guidelines for how the household finances will be managed. In the absence of an income of your own, you will be largely dependent on your spouse for money, so be
A single-income family naturally faces greater risk when it comes to job loss or retrenchment, and it is important to put plans in place to mitigate the risk as much as possible. An emergency fund sufficient to cover at least
Most importantly, it is absolutely essential that the non-earning spouse remains actively involved in both the day-to-day management of the household finances as well as the longer-term planning. Not having a firm grip on your joint financial plan can leave
If you intend becoming a stay-at-home spouse, think carefully about the consequences of losing your financial freedom at such a young age. Not only can not generating an income shift the dynamics of your relationship, it can also create feelings
Operating on a single income, give careful thought as to whether you will be able to afford domestic help after the baby arrives. If not, are you comfortable to do the cleaning, laundry and general housework? Will you be able
Not having a common set of goals can leave a couple feeling directionless and isolated from each other. In the absence of common goals, a couple may end up working against each other and jeopardising the financial future. Every team