In a nutshell, income protection is a long-term insurance benefit designed to replace or supplement your income in the event of illness or injury which temporarily or permanently prevents you from earning an income. While you may not perceive this
If you are declared insolvent, Section 37B of the Pension Funds Act provides that the funds in your retirement annuity are protected from your creditors, although this does not mean that your RA funds enjoy complete protection from creditors.
The best place to house your emergency funding is in a vehicle which allows you immediate access to your cash, earns interest, and which you ideally cannot access via your debt card. While fixed deposits and notice accounts can earn
Unlike a Money Market Account, a Money Market Fund is an actively managed investment product that is generally invested in a range of instruments including promissory notes, commercial papers and Negotiable Certificates of Deposit. Because the money held in a
The tax benefits achieved by investing in a Tax-Free Savings Account are not realised early on which means that TFSAs do not make good emergency funds. The value of the tax benefit in the first five years is incredibly small,
While you can only add your new baby to your medical aid and gap cover after the birth, do your medical aid and gap cover investigations now so that you are ready to add your child as a dependant straight
An ETF is a listed investment product that tracks a defined index such as the JSE Top 40 which tracks the stock exchange’s top 40 companies. ETFs track JSE-listed shares which give investors exposure to multiple companies by investing in
According to an ancient Chinese proverb, ‘The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago; the second-best time is now’.
Whether or not you can draw from your investments depends on the type of investment you have in place. Legislation prohibits you from accessing funds held in provident and pension funds until the official retirement age of the fund.
If you have not previously withdrawn from your preservation fund, you can then exercise your right to make a full or partial withdrawal before the minimum retirement age.