trust deed
Once the assets are transferred into the trust, they no longer belong to the trust founder and the trustees are required to take over full control of the assets and ensure that they are managed to achieve the best outcomes
A trust can also be used strategically to safeguard your personal assets from the potential risks associated with business activities and/or insolvency. By setting up a living trust, you can transfer specific assets into the trust with the primary focus
While alter-ego trusts may be valid, ‘sham’ trusts fail to meet the requirements for validity in that they are essentially fake trusts designed to deceive others. As such, the test for determining whether a trust is a sham one is
To safeguard the trust assets against the effects of inflation, it will be necessary for the trustees to assume some investment risk, and it is important that the trustees have a sound understanding of how investments work in order to
The trustees that you appoint will have a fiduciary duty to manage the trust assets in the best interests of the trust beneficiaries, and it is, therefore, important to choose your trustees wisely. Ideally, you should consider someone who has
Upon your death, your testamentary trust will come into formation and the assets identified in your will must be transferred to the trust. Your nominated trustees must apply to the Master of the High Court for letters of authority which
If you have children under the age of 18, keep in mind that in terms of our law, they are incapable of inheriting directly. This means that any assets bequeathed directly to them may either be held in the Guardian’s
It is important that you give careful thought to those you intending to nominate as trustees as you will effectively be entrusting them with an enormous responsibility – keeping in mind that you will no longer be around when their
It is possible for the trust founder to set up an inter vivos trust to ensure that certain assets are protected for the benefit of family members through the generations. In such a situation, where the trustees are all beneficiaries
The trustees that you appoint will have a fiduciary duty to manage the trust assets in the best interests of the trust beneficiaries, and it is therefore important to choose your trustees wisely. Ideally, you should consider someone who has