unit trust

If you are declared insolvent, Section 37B of the Pension Funds Act provides that the funds in your retirement annuity are protected from your creditors, although this does not mean that your RA funds enjoy complete protection from creditors.
When calculating your taxable income, it is essential to consider various income sources, including rental income, dividends from real estate investment trusts (REITs), and investment income.
Depending on the property market at the time, a property can take anywhere from two to nine months to sell, and this can adversely impact your financial position if you need quick access to capital. Having all your capital tied
A notable feature of LISP-based retirement annuities is that they are transparent, flexible investments that, unlike insurance-based RAs, allow investors to completely customise their contributions.
If you own shares in a business or are the owner of key person cover, note that the proceeds of business assurance policies are exempt from estate dutiable provided that the policy is correctly structured.
A significant advantage of a life annuity is that the policyholder is guaranteed an income for the rest of her life and will therefore never run out of money, regardless of what happens to investment markets or how long she
One of the most significant advantages of a preservation fund is that you are permitted to make one full or partial withdrawal from the fund before age 55. If there is a likelihood that you may need access to your
Through the retirement fund harmonisation process, the options at retirement have been streamlined across pension, provident and retirement annuity funds, although there remain certain technicalities when dealing with the vested benefits in respect of provident fund contributions made prior to