Search results for: disability

Protecting your income, securing your future: Why disability cover matters

If you are formally employed and enjoy group benefits, it is likely that your group cover includes an income protection benefit. The advantage of group life cover is that it makes long-term insurance cover accessible and available to those who may otherwise not be able to obtain cover in their personal capacities.

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Taking stock of your disability cover

One’s circumstances change over time – often much quicker than we tend to realise – so give thought to the unique set of risks you currently face should you suffer from a temporary or permanent disability. Do you have debt? To what extent have your debt levels changed since you implemented your disability cover? What is your current net worth? To what extent would you be able to settle your debt if you were permanently disabled today?

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Key factors to guide your retirement annuity choice

Keep in mind that retirement annuities are governed by the Pension Funds Act and, as such, are required to be compliant with Regulation 28 of the Act. This regulation effectively limits the underlying investments of an RA in terms of asset classes in an attempt to protect investors against poorly diversified portfolios.

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Barriers to financial guidance: Why many hesitate to seek advice

Financial planning practices employ various fee models, making it essential to identify one that aligns with your needs. Some advisors charge a flat monthly fee, while others base their fees on a percentage of assets under management (AUM), and some utilise a combination of both.

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