common law
As a word of caution, if your will is found to be invalid, for whatever reason, no testamentary trust can be formed which can result in your beneficiaries being financially prejudiced.
Having a foreign executor appointed in a foreign will means that your local estate can be finalised without delays caused by obtaining recognition in a foreign jurisdiction. Further, a foreign will dealing with offshore assets will address specific requirements of
In theory, your bank accounts should be frozen in the event of your death. However, in practice, there is generally a delay between your death and the appointment of your executor whose job it is to notify your financial institutions
Another limitation in respect of testation can be found in terms of Section 2B of the Wills Act which effectively provides a three-month window period for divorcees to update their Wills following a divorce order.
Assets that you had intended to bequeath to your loved ones may need to be sold in order to pay off the debt in your estate which, besides for leaving your heirs in a financially precarious position, could have tax
An ex-spouse cannot claim maintenance from the estate of her former husband after his death because the bonds of marriage had already been severed by divorce. Further, the surviving spouse’s right to maintenance from the estate continues until her death