financial adviser
According to a recent World Bank study, poor people are more likely to make bad financial decisions because they are compromised by what is referred to as ‘financial fatigue’. Their constant, day-to-day financial struggles impact on their psychological resources and
Many people shy away from investing because they believe it is akin to gambling and the risks are too high. There is a common misconception that, because investment markets are volatile by nature, investing in equities represents a higher risk
Think disability and our minds tend to think of the worst possible scenarios involving permanent injury and disfigurement. Rather than permanent disability, it is temporary disability or illness that we should in fact be more concerned with.
It is important to make plans for the possibility that you may suddenly become mentally incapacitated. A general power of attorney is not valid in instances where the principal has no mental capacity and would therefore be of no use.
More and more adults are finding themselves in positions where they need some level of support, whether it be financial, emotional or physical. Caring for aged parents can put a strain on your own relationships with your spouse and children
Managing your personal finances is about more than just drawing up a budget and saving for a rainy day. It’s about achieving a balance between protecting your greatest asset (your income) while at the same time building your wealth. Here
Turning your financial situation around means taking steps to managing your money better, smarter and purposefully. Here’s how to revolutionise your money management in 2020.