financial planner
If you are declared insolvent, Section 37B of the Pension Funds Act provides that the funds in your retirement annuity are protected from your creditors, although this does not mean that your RA funds enjoy complete protection from creditors.
Don’t fall into the trap of assuming that the Consumer Protection Act affords you blanket protection when it comes to buying property. In reality, this piece of legislation only comes into play if the seller regularly sells property or markets
Depending on the property market at the time, a property can take anywhere from two to nine months to sell, and this can adversely impact your financial position if you need quick access to capital. Having all your capital tied
Depending on the nature of their retirement income, the death of the first spouse may impact their retirement income and it is important to understand what the surviving spouse would receive in terms of income going forward. It’s also important
Your proximity to children, grandchildren and family, bearing in mind that if you do not intend to live close to your loved ones you will need to build travel costs into your post-retirement budget.
A continuation option allows you to convert your group life cover into personal cover within 60 days of leaving your employment without having to undergo medical underwriting which means that you are likely to enjoy more favourable premiums.
Delaying your planned retirement by even five years will affect your investment horizon, your draw-down timeline, and subsequently, the level of risk you are able to take in your investment strategy.
To formalise his/her appointment, the executor must apply to the Master’s Office for what is referred to as letters of executorship which will only be issued if the Master is satisfied that the will is valid and that the nominated
In December 2022, there were further stringent amendments made to the Trust Property Control Act, including a change in the trustees reporting and the introduction of a new definition of ‘beneficial owner’.
The tax benefits achieved by investing in tax-free investments are not realised early on which means that these vehicles do not make good emergency funds. The value of the tax benefit in the first five years of investing is incredibly