financial planning
Spending money before you actually receive it can place you in a financially precarious position. Whether you’ve sold your house, been promised a bonus or cashed in a policy, wait until the money is safely in your bank account before
When it comes to renting property, for instance, single mothers are considered high risk by landlords because of the high chance of father’s defaulting on their maintenance obligations. Time spent in court fighting for maintenance payments or maintenance increases impacts
If you don’t have a natural inclination towards saving, start out small and set mini-goals that are both realistic and achievable. Rather than thinking ten years ahead or trying to save for something big, set smaller, shorter-term goals that you
Municipal rates and taxes are calculated based on the market value of your home, which means that larger homes with a higher market value will have higher municipal rates. Speak to the seller of the property about what they are
Tax legislation permits you to invest up to 10% of your taxable income towards charity on a tax-deductible basis, although it is important to know that this tax deduction is not automatic.
A practical way to teach the art of delayed gratification is to use an Advent Calendar or something similar. It is also an excellent way to help your child understand the connection between time and reward.
More and more adults are finding themselves in positions where they need some level of support, whether it be financial, emotional or physical. Caring for aged parents can put a strain on your own relationships with your spouse and children
Managing your personal finances is about more than just drawing up a budget and saving for a rainy day. It’s about achieving a balance between protecting your greatest asset (your income) while at the same time building your wealth. Here
Like interest, financial secrets have a way of compounding and it often starts with one small, unsuspecting purchase. Financial infidelity can be just as devastating to a relationship as an affair.
Don’t wait for January to start thinking about how to improve your financial fitness in 2020. We’ve compiled a list of our top 20 financial resolutions for you to consider and adopt to make next year a truly prosperous one.