fixed property

During the divorce process, remember that both you and your spouse retain full contractual freedom when determining a settlement. You can choose to strictly adhere to your matrimonial property regime for asset division or opt for a negotiated settlement tailored
In recent years, our common law regarding the rights of cohabiting couples has been tested – the result being that development has been made to accommodate the rights of those who choose to live together without getting married with one
If you have a large portion of your accumulated wealth invested in your business, then it is important to consider what will happen to your business interests in the event of your death. It is likely that you intend for
In theory, your bank accounts should be frozen in the event of your death. However, in practice, there is generally a delay between your death and the appointment of your executor whose job it is to notify your financial institutions
Something that many people tend to overlook is that all previous Wills should be both physically destroyed and revoked in writing as failing to do so can cause uncertainty for those left behind -especially if one or more of the
The real benefit of a living trust is that because trusts don’t die, assets housed in a trust can move from generation to generation without being subject to estate administration and the associated costs thereof.
Remember, the residue of your estate is what is left after all debts and estate costs have been paid, and after all, bequests have been made, so it is important to ensure that the inheritance intended for your heirs is
Another limitation in respect of testation can be found in terms of Section 2B of the Wills Act which effectively provides a three-month window period for divorcees to update their Wills following a divorce order.
While the concept of a community of property marriage may appear equitable on the face of it, this type of marital regime involves the joining of all debt, including debt that was incurred by each spouse before the marriage as
Before making the decision to emigrate, it is advisable to review your plan to ensure that you fully understand the financial impact of doing so. Regardless of where you intend relocating to, emigration is an enormously expensive undertaking that requires