
Taxpayers are afforded several ways to reduce their tax liabilities, and it is advisable to employ these mechanisms to your benefit. Leaving ‘free money’ on the table doesn’t make financial sense so be sure that tax planning forms part of
The non-payment of maintenance forces many single mothers to incur ongoing legal costs and enter a cycle of debt – exacerbated by having to take time off work to attend maintenance court which in turn causes further loss of income
Don’t hesitate to have those difficult financial conversations early on in your marriage. Is there a financial demanding ex-spouse or child that is causing tension in your relationship? What happens if you need to provide financial assistance to your elderly
While a budget should be bullet proof it should not be cast in stone. As your personal circumstances change, so too should you budget. Poor market returns, unrealistic goals or expectations or changing jobs may necessitate that you adjust your
Buying branded clothing and shoes does not guarantee a better quality product, and spending your hard-earned money to prove to others that you can afford to buy branded clothing is counter-intuitive. If you’re wearing branded clothing but haven’t started saving,
Think disability and our minds tend to think of the worst possible scenarios involving permanent injury and disfigurement. Rather than permanent disability, it is temporary disability or illness that we should in fact be more concerned with.
Spending money before you actually receive it can place you in a financially precarious position. Whether you’ve sold your house, been promised a bonus or cashed in a policy, wait until the money is safely in your bank account before
If you don’t have a natural inclination towards saving, start out small and set mini-goals that are both realistic and achievable. Rather than thinking ten years ahead or trying to save for something big, set smaller, shorter-term goals that you