living annuity

When retiring from a retirement fund, investors are required to use at least two-thirds of the fund proceeds to purchase an annuity. There are many factors that need to be taken into account when choosing the most appropriate annuity for
Legislation permits that the owner of a living annuity can draw down between 2.5% and 17.5% of the value of his living annuity every year, with the option to review the draw down rate at the living annuity’s anniversary. Investors
If you intend to retire from the fund and begin drawing down from your investments, keep in mind that your options are essentially the same as when retiring from a retirement annuity in that you have the option to commute
A significant advantage of a life annuity is that the policyholder is guaranteed an income for the rest of her life and will therefore never run out of money, regardless of what happens to investment markets or how long she
Once you make contact with the executor, be prepared for a preliminary meeting with her as she will be required to prepare a rudimentary list of your spouse’s assets and liabilities for submission to the Master, which must be accompanied
Unlike a life annuity (which is an insurance policy designed to provide a guaranteed income for life), a living annuity is an investment held in the investor’s name which is generally linked to an underlying investment on a LISP platform
Life annuities generally cease to exist on the death of the policyholder, except in the case of joint life annuities in which case the surviving spouse will continue to receive an annuity income for the remainder of his life or
Contributions to approved retirement funds are tax deductible up to a limit of 27.5% of taxable income, capped at an annual limit of R350 000, but this does not mean that you can’t contribute more without still reaping tax benefits.
In theory, your bank accounts should be frozen in the event of your death. However, in practice, there is generally a delay between your death and the appointment of your executor whose job it is to notify your financial institutions
Something that many people tend to overlook is that all previous Wills should be both physically destroyed and revoked in writing as failing to do so can cause uncertainty for those left behind -especially if one or more of the