Pension Funds Act

A notable feature of LISP-based retirement annuities is that they are transparent, flexible investments that, unlike insurance-based RAs, allow investors to completely customise their contributions.
Although the offshore limit has been increased to 45%, the reality is that 55% of your retirement fund capital must be invested in South African assets which, given the rate at which the number of listed companies on the JSE
If you intend to retire from the fund and begin drawing down from your investments, keep in mind that your options are essentially the same as when retiring from a retirement annuity in that you have the option to commute
Unlike a life annuity (which is an insurance policy designed to provide a guaranteed income for life), a living annuity is an investment held in the investor’s name which is generally linked to an underlying investment on a LISP platform
f selecting a fund or combination of funds is overwhelming, you may want to consider using a multi-manager. Asset management and the selection of underlying unit trusts require an enormous amount of expertise and skill, and a multi-manager approach has
Remember, the residue of your estate is what is left after all debts and estate costs have been paid, and after all, bequests have been made, so it is important to ensure that the inheritance intended for your heirs is
Your parenting plan sets out the details relating to care, contact and financial contributions towards the children, when and with whom the children will live, and where they will be schooled, amongst other things. The financial implications in terms of
From 1 March last year, provident funds are subject to the same rules at retirement as pension funds and retirement annuities, except whereas a provident fund member you were age 55 or older at that date and you remain a
If you intend to keep the marital home after your divorce, make sure that it makes financial sense for you to do so. Sentimental attachment to the marital home can blind you from making decisions that are in your financial