pension interest

While the general view is that trust property does not form part of the spouse’s estate for the purposes of determining the value of a divorce order, there are circumstances in which the courts will look through the veneer of
An application for interim maintenance can be brought quickly and cost-effectively so as to provide a spouse with financial relief pending the finalisation of the divorce. The spouse bringing the application must provide proof that she does not have sufficient
If you lose your job as a result of your employer ceasing operations or are made redundant as a result of general operational requirements, any lump sum from an occupational fund is regarded as a retrenchment benefit for tax purposes.
Your parenting plan sets out the details relating to care, contact and financial contributions towards the children, when and with whom the children will live, and where they will be schooled, amongst other things. The financial implications in terms of
Your accrual contract continues to apply after the death of the first dying spouse, at which point the accrual will come into account. The executor of the first dying spouse’s deceased estate will need to calculate the increase in the
Determining what you could realistically expect in terms of divorce settlement means understanding what assets your spouse has. In a particularly acrimonious divorce, a spouse could attempt to hide assets in a living trust or move assets offshore in the
If you choose to stop working, make sure that you fully understand the implications of doing so. If you do not generate an income of your own, you will find it very difficult to build wealth in your own name.
Cohabiting couples do not have a right to claim a share of the member spouse’s pension interest. The right to claim a share of the member spouse’s pension interest is legislated in terms of the Divorce Act of 1979 and,
Living trusts are frequently used by divorcing spouses to hide assets so as to reduce the value of their estates. A spouse married with the accrual is free to set up an inter vivos without the consent or knowledge of